
High Voltage Tropical Orange 16oz

SKU: 17034
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Product's description

When results are on the line: High Voltage Premium Detox Drink! It’s specially formulated with a unique blend of B-Vitamins, Creatine Monohydrate and numerous nutrients and herbal extracts to remove unwanted toxins and pollutants from the urinary tract. The 16oz beverage takes effect within 30 minutes and can last up to 7 hours depending on one’s metabolism and the amount of Toxins in their systems.


  1. Drink contents of High Voltage Premium Drink liquid and follow with 16oz of water.
  2. Wait 15 minutes then drink another 16oz of water.

The product will start being most effective after three normal sized urination. If there’s trouble urinating, increase the water intake by 16oz of water per hour. High Voltage Premium Drink will stay effective up to 7 hours.

For maximum results:

  • Avoid unwanted toxins for a minimum 24-48 hours.
  • Pre-cleanse period, the night before (12-24 hours Prior to consuming High Voltage) drink ten 8oz glasses of water over an 8 hour period.
  • While using this product, urinate frequently to expel toxins.
  • Do not eat large meals or consume any food with caffeine or fruit juices during the pre-cleanse period.
  • Avoid over the counter or non-prescribed medications, alcohol, acidic liquids (such as vinegar, pickle juice, coffee, etc), Vitamins or salty foods.
  • Drink plenty of water on a daily basis

Recommended for persons under 240 lbs. Shake well. Best served chilled.

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